Thursday, May 7, 2009

What's that strange noise?

I was riding on the commuter rail on my way home, and I was doing my normal "Lay-your-head-back-and-close-your-eyes-and-cat-nap" when I started hearing this strange noise. It was kind of base-y with a rasp to it. I was starting to think something was wrong with the train. It went on for a few minutes, and it was really boggling my mind. I didn't understand what it was until the train screeched to a halt at Wakefield center.
The conductor opened the door and bellowed "WAKEFIELD" and my head snapped forward and I lurched in my seat, coming to a full attention and out of my sleep state, thus causing the noise to stop.
That's right: that strange noise I was hearing was my snoring. I was partially asleep and I could hear myself snore. I think it was for quite a few minutes, and multiple stops on the line. The train was packed, and at Wakefield center it emptied out, so that means that there were a quite few people who heard me snore for a long while. Grand. I have see these people everyday! Now I have to avert my eyes for a few months so they can forget about "Ol snory". I was pretty gassy too, I hope that I didn't let out a few rippers. Course I'll never know if I did...

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